1000 FOLLOWERS!!! Big Thank You, Q&A, You Pick Next Posts & Instagram Follow Back! 

Loves! I don’t know how to thank you enough for this huge milestone on my blog! It’s been wonderful journey for me. Sharing all the things I love and my all experiences with you! I feel so honored to have such a wonderful family of 1k! I’m so thankful for all your likes and comments and sharing your stories with me. It’s been so amazing to know so many people enjoy my blog and coming back for each new post.

I remember like just a few weeks back, May 16th to be exact, I was celebrating 500 followers. And now with beginning of July there’s already 1000 of us! I can’t believe it!

So lets our little tradition of making Q&A, to celebrate welcoming new members of family, live further!

Loves, this time don’t be afraid to ask anything at all! Private, intimate, less private stuff, advice, tips! Whatever you wish to know! I’ll answer all your questions, of course if I know the answer!

Also! Please, if you wish for me to do some post on special subject, review of special product, another ootd, more fashion, less fashion, more favorites products or even a video of some kind, I’ll be greatful for all the suggestions! I want to know what you would like to see! You know yourself already what kind of stuff I choose to write about so maybe you want to see something new??? Let me know! I’m so curious to find out!

BONUS! In the comments leave your suggestions! Follow my Instagram account and I’ll follow back 10 winners! 


xx, Olita

contact me: instagram|twitter|youtube|pinterest 

The Versatile Blogger Award & you’re nominated too!

Oh my! Thank you so much Kali for nominating me for this award! I’m honoured! It feels very special to be nominated twice in such a short time (first nomination – read here: Sunshine Blogger Award)! Thank you!

The rules for the Versatile Blogger Award awards are to write seven facts about myself and then nominate 15 others. I’ll try to pick up all the facts I haven’t mentioned in my “about” page to keep it more challenging for myself!


  1. I loooooove potato chips (any flavour, any kind). You could say I’m addicted but I try not to eat them often though! haha
  2. Recently I started ballet classes and I absolutely love it. I haven’t had danced when I was little but I always wanted to.
  3. Since I can remember I always wanted a dog. Each year on my birthday I had the same wish. A puppy. I had a rabbit and now I have a cat. I love(d) them so much but I still wish to have a pupper one day.
  4. I’m obsessed with Woody Allen’s movies. 
  5. I’m very fortunate to travel a looot. I keep track of places I’ve been to on a map.
  6. My favourite place on Earth is New York City.  
  7. My biggest dream (beside having a dog) was to move outside of Poland and live in USA.


Well, I hope you enjoyed to read those facts about me!

Let’s get to the lucky NOMINEES:

I wanted to have fun and don’t go exactly with the rules of this award by nominating people myself as I did in the last award’s post. I wanted to spread some love in different directions too. So everyone who will like this post or comment on it is nominated! Let’s spread love and leave the link to your post in the comments section! ❤


xxx,  Olita

100+ Followers

Loves! We reached 100+ followers! It all happened so fast! I’m so grateful for all of you and your support! I promise many more posts you’ll hopefully enjoy!

Thank you so much! Love you! ❤

xxx, Olita 

P.S. Write in the comments all your suggestions for future posts! Anything you want! I’ll try to do posts on all your ideas!