1000 FOLLOWERS!!! Big Thank You, Q&A, You Pick Next Posts & Instagram Follow Back! 

Loves! I don’t know how to thank you enough for this huge milestone on my blog! It’s been wonderful journey for me. Sharing all the things I love and my all experiences with you! I feel so honored to have such a wonderful family of 1k! I’m so thankful for all your likes and comments and sharing your stories with me. It’s been so amazing to know so many people enjoy my blog and coming back for each new post.

I remember like just a few weeks back, May 16th to be exact, I was celebrating 500 followers. And now with beginning of July there’s already 1000 of us! I can’t believe it!

So lets our little tradition of making Q&A, to celebrate welcoming new members of family, live further!

Loves, this time don’t be afraid to ask anything at all! Private, intimate, less private stuff, advice, tips! Whatever you wish to know! I’ll answer all your questions, of course if I know the answer!

Also! Please, if you wish for me to do some post on special subject, review of special product, another ootd, more fashion, less fashion, more favorites products or even a video of some kind, I’ll be greatful for all the suggestions! I want to know what you would like to see! You know yourself already what kind of stuff I choose to write about so maybe you want to see something new??? Let me know! I’m so curious to find out!

BONUS! In the comments leave your suggestions! Follow my Instagram account and I’ll follow back 10 winners! 


xx, Olita

contact me: instagram|twitter|youtube|pinterest 

500 followers & Let’s Get to Know Each Other Better! 

Loves! I just hit 500+ followers on Olita! It all hapeended so fast. I remember when a month ago (April 5th) I was so excited about 100 lovely followers. I just can’t thank you enough! I’m so excited you enjoy my blog and come back to read my posts! Thanks to you I have more motivation to peruse this little hobby of mine, hopefully giving you some inspiration! ❤️🙏🏻

So in celebration of 500+ lovely people who like and follow my blog I would like you to ask me any questions you want! If you don’t have any question then simply comment below the answers on mine, so I can know you a little better!

  1. What is your biggest passion?
  2. Why did you decide to start a blog?  

xx, Olita

contact me: instagram|twitter|youtube|pinterest 

How To Clean Your Makeup Brushes & Beauty Blender? Easy, cheap DIY

Hello Loves and happy Monday! That means it’s time for another post on Olita’s blog!

You probably read the title and you thought to yourself “I should wash my brushes…”. I know very well it’s hard to find the time for washing our makeup tools in our busy lives, but we all know how super important it is to keep our face free from any germs that later cause our skin to break out.

I’m here to share with you my tip how, with just two simple ingredients, you can deeply clean your brushes and beauty blender. The secret is Coconut Oil. Yes, that’s it! We use it for everything; to cook, bake, moisture our skin, as makeup remover and many more.       I love it! I have a huge jar in my kitchen and a smaller container in my bathroom for everyday use.

Let’s get straight to the DIY, shall we?

For my Beauty Blender I use a solution of one tablespoon of coconut oil and two tablespoons of antibacterial liquid soap. First I put the oil in a glass bowl and warm it up in a microwave, just for 15-30 seconds to help it melt. Then I add soap and mix. (Sometimes I add some warm water to the solution when I see that my beauty blender is not that dirty. When it is though, I just use more oil and soap.) I put my Beauty Blender in the bowl and squeeze it few times. Then, rinse under warm water. In that moment you can already see how well solution works. After “pre-wash” I leave it in mixture for a few hours more.


After it lay a decent amount of time in its bath I rinse it under water. To not let bacteria get to the drying sponge I put it in microwave for 10-15 second and wait. If it’s still wet I repeat. And that’s all!


Let’s get now to brushes!

I try to clean them as often as I can. When I use foundation brush I wash it after every use. The other brushes once or twice a week. Sometimes more often. Depends how mush I used them that week.

To clean those babies cleansing mixture is the same as for Beauty Blender. I just prefer instead of a bowl use a plate. I dip brush in oil-soap mix and, to not make it dirty, I clean it on my hand. With the circulate motion I swirl brush on my hand and then rinse with fresh warm water. Depending how dirty it is I repeat the step until foam is 100% white.


I always let them dry laying on a flat surface, because if I put it in a mug the glue that holds brush together will slowly dissolve and that will brake the brush. And we don’t want that, do we?



And here you have it loves! Hope it helps some of you save some money if you were going to buy some special makeup brush cleanser. Just two ingredients and your brushes are perfectly clean!

Was it helpful? Do you have some other ways to clean your brushes and makeup sponges? Let me know! I’d love to read your hacks!

xx, Olita

contact me: instagram|twitter|youtube|pinterest 

Everyday Personal Jewelry

Hello loves! In this post I wanted to share with you some of my jewelry pieces that I love and wear everyday. Honestly – I don’t even take it off! Because of that, they became the accessories that somehow make any outfit more me. All the pieces feel very special and personal since they were given to me by my loved ones. Each of them was a gift for a different occasion which also bring a lot of lovely memories.

I think it’s a great way to personalise your style and everyday outfits in the same time adding a little bit of elegance and shine.

I always pick gold as the main color for my jewelry (sometimes going also for rosegold). With neutral/warm skin undertone personally I feel better in “gold-ish” shades. Silver is perfect if your skin is cold undertoned and gold complements better a warmer complections. Though, in my opinion: Who cares?! Wear what you love and what you feel best in!



This little ring I was given by my godparents after finishing high school and starting my adult life in Academy of the Fine Arts. I put it on this very day and never took it off! People always ask if it’s an engagement ring (wrong finger!). It was funny for a year… five had past and it’s still favorite joke of any stranger I meet.




This precious one I got from my boyfriend last Christmas! I put it on my left hand since I already had the first ring on right one. I love it because it’s really sparkly when the lightning is strong and it has such a sweet, delicate heart detail going all around the side of the band.




This one I got from my boyfriend a year ago. I was looking for a very delicate and small everyday necklace and one day when I found a perfect one he decided to surprise me.

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I hoped you liked this post and maybe found some inspiration to find your own personal piece of jewelry! Or maybe you already have one? Or more than one? Share with me in the comments!

xx, Olita

contact me: instagram|twitter|youtube|pinterest 

Upgrade your everyday outfit with those few simple items!

Some days I feel like going for that “model off duty” look. Just make everyday outfit to look more stylish and cool. What I’ve noticed is you don’t need expensive designer clothes to achieve that. What you actually need is everything you already have in your closet! A few, or even one, of those accessories will elevate simple outfit in no time! So let’s save some money, bring that inside model of ours out and go look stylish af!



Actually I think no commentary is necessary to describe this item. Everyone already knows how easy it’s to put on some shades and instantly feel like a celebrity. They bring more symmetry to our faces, instantly making us look more attractive (from the scientific point of view) and so so stylish! If you ususally use make up, but overslept and need to go out asap sunglusses are a great friend and disgise for those dark circles!


Nowadays, I’m obsessed with statement earrings! The bigger the better! I feel like they add a lot of elegance to an outfit and I often like to pair them with a simple tee.



In my opinion the funkier, more detailed and colorful the better! It can be such a great statement to very simple outfit. That kind of bag puts it together without any effort. Imagine monochromatic outfit (I love dressing all white these days and for spring/summer season my fav set is white culottes and white graphic tee) and a pop of bright colour or interesting pattern on a bag! Just gorgeous!



It doesn’t matter what you’re wearing, heels will always look good with it. I don’t wear them on daily basis, only when I know I won’t walk a lot that day, but when I do I feel amazing! Feminine, sexy and so powerful! For the ladies like me whose first everyday shoe choice is not a pair of stilettos you can find any other heeled shoes that goes with your outfit even if it’s just a 1,5 inch (3.81 cm) chunky heel. I promise it will change up the game!



I also go for the quality over quantity when it comes to my buying shoes. Having just a few pairs of very nice, classic and comfortable heels (and flats) is surely enough to complete any outfit and you can be sure they will last you for ages!



Bold lipstick will add that taste of sophistication to any piece of clothing! My go to is red smashbox matte liquid lipstick, but there is so many other lip products to choose from! If you feel a little bit too shy to use one of those brave/”in yo face” colors try dark nudes tones, they’re so classy and super trendy now!


I hope this post brings you some inspiration how to upgrade your weekday outfits! Let me know which accessory/product is your favourite to use or try!

xx, Olita

contact me: instagram|twitter|youtube|pinterest 

The Versatile Blogger Award & you’re nominated too!

Oh my! Thank you so much Kali for nominating me for this award! I’m honoured! It feels very special to be nominated twice in such a short time (first nomination – read here: Sunshine Blogger Award)! Thank you!

The rules for the Versatile Blogger Award awards are to write seven facts about myself and then nominate 15 others. I’ll try to pick up all the facts I haven’t mentioned in my “about” page to keep it more challenging for myself!


  1. I loooooove potato chips (any flavour, any kind). You could say I’m addicted but I try not to eat them often though! haha
  2. Recently I started ballet classes and I absolutely love it. I haven’t had danced when I was little but I always wanted to.
  3. Since I can remember I always wanted a dog. Each year on my birthday I had the same wish. A puppy. I had a rabbit and now I have a cat. I love(d) them so much but I still wish to have a pupper one day.
  4. I’m obsessed with Woody Allen’s movies. 
  5. I’m very fortunate to travel a looot. I keep track of places I’ve been to on a map.
  6. My favourite place on Earth is New York City.  
  7. My biggest dream (beside having a dog) was to move outside of Poland and live in USA.


Well, I hope you enjoyed to read those facts about me!

Let’s get to the lucky NOMINEES:

I wanted to have fun and don’t go exactly with the rules of this award by nominating people myself as I did in the last award’s post. I wanted to spread some love in different directions too. So everyone who will like this post or comment on it is nominated! Let’s spread love and leave the link to your post in the comments section! ❤


xxx,  Olita

OOTD – Easy, classy, comfortable.

Hello Loves!

I wanted to share with you my first OOTD post! Let me know in the comments if you like to see more of those!

It was very sunny, but windy Saturday in Warsaw, Poland. My boyfriend and me met with my dad for lunch just a step from Warsaw National Theatre and Opera building. On weekends I always want to wear something a tiny bit more fancy than every other day when I just don’t have much time to focus on my outfit because I need to run to work or to Academy.


This day I wanted to feel effortless stylish, comfortable and feminine. I styled my outfit around my new skirt from Novem&Knight which I adore and paired it with basic white v-neck t-shirt from Zara and my favourite white converse. I also threw on my shoulders leather jacket (similar here) from Urban Outfiters for an extra layer, because the weather seamed to be unpredictable. For the just a tiny pop of colour I chose my Brandy Melville pastel pink suede bag (similar here) and put on some shades from Forever 21 just to feel fancy (and of course because of the strong sunlight, hehe).

Would you wear that outfit yourself? Let me know! What is that one item which makes you feel fancy but it’s also so effortless to style and wear?

xxx, Olita

Instagram – outlet for my creativity 

Hello loves! Just so you know you can also follow my Instagram profile if you’re interested! I post there regularly once or twice per week. Beside many other great things about this social media platform I just find it as a great creative outlet for myself when I don’t have time or when I’m just too tired to set up everything ready in my art studio to paint.

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On my Instagram I love to share beautiful things, makeup/skincare I use, ootds, places I’ve been too, food, puppies, my work and from time to time a selfie. I keep everything in bright, mostly white,  esthetic usually with elements of black, red, coral, pink and beige tones. I like this color combination the most and it pleases me (maybe even too much! haha) to find things that will fit with my theme. As here on my blog, on Instagram I share everything that brings me joy and hopefully spread creativity and love further. ❤

Do you have IG? If yes, leave the link in the comment. I’d love to see what you create! Let’s get to know each other better!

xxx Olita