SPF Made Easy

Hello Loves and happy Monday!

Summer is officialy here! It means a school/uni and for some work break, but also beach, shells, sea, piña coladas and sun. Yes! A lot of sun!

While on the beach we know we need to apply SPF few times as protection only lasts several hours. It’s not a problem to apply it all over your body while wearing a swimsuit. But what about when you’re working in the city and want to protect your face from this very strong summer sun?

Even though you might plan your vacations in other season, summer is happening now and you need to protect this pretty skin of yours wherever you are!

How to do it easy and effortless without making your fingers and face greasy? Especially when you’re already wearing makeup?! Of course you don’t want to distroy it!

There is a solution to that!

Recently you can find SPF in a powder form which not only works as your regular powder but also sun protector. You can apply it as many times throughtout the day as needed in the same time getting rid of than shine baby!

Have you ever tried powder SPF? Let me know in the comments? What you actually think about the idea of this product?

xx, Olita

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